Brief: Decide upon a brand and design a product that would be completely different to any product they currently sell, the finished product should relate to the brand and be a possible market for them to expand out to. Produce an A1 advert to display the final concept.
This was a short 3 week project as a quick challenge, this prepares us as product designers for when applying for jobs, as companies may give a small task to complete to see if you're acceptable for the job at their company.
The company decided upon was Dyson due to being a well established brand with a large, loyal customer base. They have revolutionised vacuum technology and are easily the leaders of domestic products. Being determined for continuous improvement, Dyson have announced they are developing electric cars which are to be launched in 2021, putting over £2 billion into this project which further includes development in solid state batteries which the car would use - these type of batteries would revolutionise the way we live our lives. The development of solid state batteries sparked the interest to design for the automotive market, and therefore deciding upon an electric scooter.

I decided to create a Solidworks model of the product with final Keyshot renders, where a colleague designed the final concept of the compatible app. This was used to change speed modes, lock/unlock the scooter, look at previous journeys and see the battery percentage.

- Hubless motor, high torque
- Front wheel shock absorption
- Integrated ceramic break
- Battery indicator
- 3 speed modes; eco, normal, sport
- Convenient and portable, 13kg
- Solid state battery drive
I firmly believe this product directly links with Dyson through the use of their key aesthetic features.