Brief: Produce an exact replica of the Lexon Mezzo Clock designed by Ionna Vautrin, the aimĀ is to test my ability to study the product from a much closer perspective as well as to be precise when it comes to measuring the much finer details of the product.
This replication project will be a 1:1 scale so it should be the exact same size of the actual product, this is why the product must be examined very close and carefully making sure to list all the key components.
An accurate orthographic was needed before manufacture.


Using primer and filler.
Key features: Snooze button - the body was first taped up then the snooze design was sprayed on through the stencil with clear lacquer. The lettering - this was cut out on vinyl before being painted over. The on/off button - this was laser cut to engrave the negative surface which creates the extruded lettering.
Final product.