Brief: Design and create an IKEA styled light for domestic use, the design will be based around some given components from an existing IKEA light source (the Kajuta) with a simple bulb holder, cable, switch and plug. The proposal should be designed to sell between £20-£30, this must be accurate where the perceived value of the design should reflect its price bracket. The product must be compact to ensure the cost is reduced for shipping and storing.
The final design named Vågor (meaning waves in Swedish) is meant as an interactive piece to be touched. The polypropylene sleeve creates a soft, ambient light creating a beautiful and effective atmosphere in any room. This product can be easily dismantled and assembled due to the cleverly integrated locking feature at the back of the product, hense it can be un-clipped and flat packed repeatedly.
The product is made from three sheets of polypropylene, the outer and inner sleeve both being cut out on the laser cutter which would be usually pressed in industry for a cleaner finish. The inner sleeve was vacuum formed before having the design cut out. This product is part of a range where the sleeves can be easily removed and replaced.
First initial concept.
Development: A test to see how the individual pyramids could be slotted into the frame.

This shows the development of fixing the sleeve around to form a cylinder. These were all methods taken forward for each sleeve.

The way the joint has been concealed has worked extremely well and it almost unnoticeable once the product has been turned on.
Packing with a label was created for a more professional outlook on the product.

IKEA styled instructions were created using adobe illustrator

Vågor took place in an exhibition put on by the university, where my design (including a small handful of others) was picked out for being one of the best designs.